So I caved, went to Game Force, and bought a Nintendo DS. I have to say when I first heard about it a couple years ago I thought it was sort of a dumb idea - I mean, two screens? It sounded sorta gimmicky. And who the hell puts a touch pad on a video game system?
Well, now I understand. I really respect Nintendo - they are one of the companies out there that are really innovating and taking video games to the next level. With the DS they are exploring what really is possible. The touchpad is awesome - it adds a whole new dimension and interactivity to games that hasn't been achieved before. It's hard to explain, but there's something about how crisp and fast it responds to the stylus and how the games respond that make the gaming experience much more intimate.
And game developers have really taken this touchpad concept an ran with it. My first game is Nintendogs, where you adopt a puppy inside of your DS and play and interact with it using the touch screen. It really is pretty cool, and my puppy (a lab named Daisy) really seems to be alive and responds just like a real dog. Yeah I know, this game is for preteen girls, but whatever! There is even a game where you perform surgery with the stylus.
When I was at Game Force I also saw a weird game,
Electroplankton, where you make music on your DS with these bio-luminescent plankton thingies. I plan on picking it up this next week. The guy there told me that they stocked up on it (they had like 10 copies) because it would soon be a collector's item, since it is unique and innovative but will never win appeal with a wide audience.
I also got Tetris DS, which isn't really THAT innovative (although it does have some new touchpad features) but hey, how can you have own Nintendo portable system without Tetris?!