Required Reading
I think that blogs are at a sort of semi-maturity stage.
Their original purpose was to appeal to a certain audience - they have a certain specialization, and are supposedly read by a very targeted audience.
Some blogs, however, have become so popular and widely read that they, in effect, become required reading. While you may not be interested or enjoy reading the blog, the simple fact that everyone else reads it necessitates your reading it, lest you be left out of the loop (I think that is the first time I have ever used the word "lest" in writing or conversation - I feel dirty).
While one may not find them particularly compelling, one might feel obligated to read blogs like kottke, boingboing, or wonkette just because the stuff they blog is what everyone else reads and talks about.
This is a lot like traditional media. A classic example is the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. EVERYONE reads these two papers, and as so if you are in business or most circles, they are required reading. Like 5 of my business classes required us to read WSJ - not because we would necessarily get anything out of it, but because everyone else in business reads it. If you don't, you're in the dark.
When applied to blogs, this creates a peculiar tension. They were not meant for this type of forced readership, but have it thrust upon them by popularity.
It's interesting to see how new media develops as it gains more attention.
Their original purpose was to appeal to a certain audience - they have a certain specialization, and are supposedly read by a very targeted audience.
Some blogs, however, have become so popular and widely read that they, in effect, become required reading. While you may not be interested or enjoy reading the blog, the simple fact that everyone else reads it necessitates your reading it, lest you be left out of the loop (I think that is the first time I have ever used the word "lest" in writing or conversation - I feel dirty).
While one may not find them particularly compelling, one might feel obligated to read blogs like kottke, boingboing, or wonkette just because the stuff they blog is what everyone else reads and talks about.
This is a lot like traditional media. A classic example is the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. EVERYONE reads these two papers, and as so if you are in business or most circles, they are required reading. Like 5 of my business classes required us to read WSJ - not because we would necessarily get anything out of it, but because everyone else in business reads it. If you don't, you're in the dark.
When applied to blogs, this creates a peculiar tension. They were not meant for this type of forced readership, but have it thrust upon them by popularity.
It's interesting to see how new media develops as it gains more attention.
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