Thursday, June 22, 2006


Now that America has been knocked out of the world cup, I'm supporting Brazil. And maybe Mexico next if that doesn't work out.

Friday, June 16, 2006

welcome to the dark side

My decade-long one-man boycott of Apple comes to an end. I bought an iPod nano, the first Apple product I've ever owned since the Apple IIGS my parents had when I was in like 1st grade.

It's sad, but I just wasn't strong enough. Even though I know about the scratches, the cracked screens, Steve Jobs' evil management, and the DRM-laced iTunes music, I couldn't take it anymore. In the world of pod-people with their podcasts and their white earbuds, even the most anti-Apple person on earth gets worn down.

The unit itself is actually pretty nice. The earbuds that came with it really suck ass, so I'll need to replace those. The iTunes interface makes me really angry, but I'll just have to deal with it. How do they get away with REQUIRING you to install Quicktime with it? I thought that type of bundling was illegal! Didn't Microsoft get sued for that shit with Windows + IE?

Sunday, June 11, 2006

World Cup Fever

You know, I'm really getting in to this whole soccer thing. I wish they played it on TV more here, because I think I'd watch it. Maybe it will be bigger after this world cup?

The biggest problem we have is the announcing. When I watch the games on ABC, it just seems so boring because the announcers don't have a lot of inflection in their voices and just don't seem passionate about it. The ones on Univision, even though I have no idea what they are talking about, are actually even more fun to watch because the announcing is so good. The announcers get excited and so you get excited with them.

go USA!


My thoughts on video games and the video games industry will now be located here.

Friday, June 09, 2006

GM wins.

In a spat with the New York Times editorial page, GM leverages its corporate blog to gain the upper hand. NYT comes out with egg on their face.

As much as I criticize GM for sucking total ass, I do respect them for their understanding of new media using it to disseminate their POV and connecting with customers.

What can I say, NYTimes? PWND.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

GM, Ford lose.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Game Regulation

The Washington Times has a good editorial on the video game legislation backed by Senators Hillary Clinton and Joe Lieberman to restrict sales of violent games to minors.

While I would in general consider myself a Democrat, this shit makes me really angry. First of all, what is considered acceptable? What is too violent? No matter where we draw the line, it starts us down the horrible path of censorship. Secondly, I have played violent video games since childhood, and am pretty non-violent as you can get. The only time I feel the urge to frag people is when politicians act like this.

I thought regulating morality was for the GOP?

Joe and Hillary, why don't you waste more of our time plz k thx.

Clinton's original November press release

via [GameDaily BIZ]