Tuesday, February 28, 2006

do NOT be a fanboy.

Across the internet and in life, you encounter a lot of fanboys. You know, the people who will defend something till the death if someone so much as questions their unshaken belief in something. This is very common in online gaming, where people have so much faith and attachment to the status quo or the omnipotence of the game company that they are unable to question whether some things might not exactly be the best they could be. Note that it is not limited to games.

I speak like I have never been afflicted with this disease, but I often find myself participating or about to participate in such behavior. It is a hard thing to recognize and stop yourself from doing. If I were to write one of those trash business motivational books, one of my rules would definitely be "do NOT be a fanboy."

the right wing needs to stfu.

There was a brief period where I was in the College Republicans. Why was I in the CRs? Now that that I think of it, I really don't have any idea. I disagree with them on almost everything, and it has now even gotten to the point that when someone is spouting off that bullshit at me I just sit there and get angry. I ask myself, how stupid are people that they believe in this stuff? How much gruel and brainwashing must you endure to the point where you actually believe in it? I do understand that this is America, and it is our difference in opinion that makes us a great country, and that a lot of your philosophy comes from your background, but god damn, shut the fuck up! I don't want to hear some stupid ass party line that you read in the Journal or saw on Fox news!

Honestly, I think I would rather talk to a wall than talk to like 98% of the GOP membership. In that remaining 2% there are some smart people like Tucker Carlson and John McCain, but I think that they are the exceptions that prove the rule.

Now that I think of it, there are a lot of retarded people in the Democratic party as well. Maybe I have built up a sort of tolerance for them because I've had to cooperate with some from time to time, but they sure do rival their Republican opposites when it comes to annoyingness and stupidity. But I guess that is for another post

Takeru Kobayashi

MTV has been rerunning this True Life: I'm a Competitive Eater show for like a week, and it is really interesting! It follows three gurgitators through the world of competitive eating. The most notable one is Takeru Kobayashi, the world's top eater, from Japan. This guy is amazing - they taped him while he downed 100 plates of sushi in one sitting! They also got his victory at Nathan's 4th fo July hot dog contest, where he ate 49 hot dogs in 12 minutes. Competitive eating is sort a joke, but I got nothing but respect for this guy. He trains like a champion and has the philosophy of one. He is RIPPED so that he metabolizes more food, and has no fat so that his stomach can expand easier. His ability to eat food is unparalleled! This post really has no point, but I am just in awe!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

A Tale of Two Nalgenes.

So last week I lost BOTH of my Nalgene bottles. On two separate days! I bring them to class and drink out of them, and instead of putting them back into my backpack I set them on the floor for easier access throughout the class time. In my absentmindedness, when the class is over I sometimes just pick up my backpack and leave without picking the bottle up.

This was pretty sad for me, as I have done this a couple times last semester but was able to recover them a few hours later where I had left them. No such luck this time. These were the old school, classic ones with the classic nalgene logo, not the new stylized one they have now. That really sucks, because I used to be able to think of myself as superior to everyone else since I had the original kind and had gotten the wide-mouth one before ANYONE else had one, when I was like in high school.

I replaced them yesterday with two new nalgenes, but they don't have the classic logo this time. They are both wide mouth. I couldn't find a narrow mouth one in the classic smoke plastic/ blue cap color combo!!!! Now I will look like an idiot spilling water all over myself in class!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Patches the Horse

Today in my international managment class we saw this video about a special horse.

I thought it was the most awesome thing I had ever seen, and naturally went home and searched for it on google video. The google version has crappy resolution but it's still good.



So today I got to watch some curling on the Olympics. It gets a lot of crap and seems sort of silly, but it actually looks like a fun thing to do. All the technique and strategy just looks cool. The way they guide those huge rocks by brushing the ice in front of them is pretty amazing. *googles location of nearest place to go curling*

Thursday, February 09, 2006

project runway

damn Nick Verreos got eliminated this week. Glad I caught a the second showing tonight. It really sucks because he was my pick to win it and he had a good attitude. It's dumb that daniel vosovic had immunity - why did they give it when there's only 5 left? LAME. I think a good final 3 would have been Chloe, Nick, and Santino, but now it's gonna really suck ass. kara and daniel are sorta annoying now.

Monday, February 06, 2006