Tuesday, February 28, 2006

the right wing needs to stfu.

There was a brief period where I was in the College Republicans. Why was I in the CRs? Now that that I think of it, I really don't have any idea. I disagree with them on almost everything, and it has now even gotten to the point that when someone is spouting off that bullshit at me I just sit there and get angry. I ask myself, how stupid are people that they believe in this stuff? How much gruel and brainwashing must you endure to the point where you actually believe in it? I do understand that this is America, and it is our difference in opinion that makes us a great country, and that a lot of your philosophy comes from your background, but god damn, shut the fuck up! I don't want to hear some stupid ass party line that you read in the Journal or saw on Fox news!

Honestly, I think I would rather talk to a wall than talk to like 98% of the GOP membership. In that remaining 2% there are some smart people like Tucker Carlson and John McCain, but I think that they are the exceptions that prove the rule.

Now that I think of it, there are a lot of retarded people in the Democratic party as well. Maybe I have built up a sort of tolerance for them because I've had to cooperate with some from time to time, but they sure do rival their Republican opposites when it comes to annoyingness and stupidity. But I guess that is for another post


Blogger lolno said...

I'm starting to think that 98% of the government as a whole needs to be fixed in some way or another. When I look at America as a whole and then compare it to other places I know about, I see us as having the "deer in the headlights" look while running forward like an arrogant kid.

It's like we're totally caught up in ourselves as a nation. Maybe we need another revolution.

8:32 AM  
Blogger jon said...

viva la revolucion!!

9:05 AM  

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