Friday, January 20, 2006


Wow, I actually survived the first week back to school!

My schedule this semester I think is pretty good. I got 2 classes at night that are three hours long, but that's alright since it's only once a week. The lineup:

Critical Leadership Skills
International Operations Mgmt
Business Process Design
Entrepreneurial Business Plan Preparation
The Role of Marketing in Socially Responsible Firms

I think it's pretty solid. When I first got into the Leadership class I was originally assigned to, I started to freak out. The professor was so dull and unengaging I was literally getting angry that someone such as this was allowed to teach at the college level. Right after I got out of there I transferred to another section, which is going to be a LOT better. I'm on the waitlist tho, hopefully I get in since I need it for graduation.

Anyways, this weekend is a time to chill out before the storm and play computer games for 96 hours straight. EverLAN here I come!


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